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Let's take a minute to slow down!

Stress can have an adverse effect on our health in numerous ways. For one, when we’re stressed, the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced, making us more susceptible to infections.

The stress hormone corticosteroid reduces the number of lymphocytes and can therefore suppress the effectiveness of the immune system. Additionally, common unhealthy coping behaviors brought on by stress, such as drinking and smoking, can have an indirect effect on the immune system.

It’s important to find ways to reduce stress throughout your day in order for your immune system to function optimally. A simple and fast-acting stress-relieving technique is intentional breathing, such as deep breathing. Deep breathing is our body’s built-in stress-relieving system. The process has been scientifically proven to affect the heart, the brain, digestion, the immune system.

One simple deep breath immediately signals the brain to slow down and relax. As this message spreads throughout the body, a feeling of calmness takes over as muscle tension eases. Try setting yourself daily reminders to practice deep breathing. Throughout the day, and especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, stressed, or anxious, simply remind yourself to take several slow deep breaths.

Give it a try and let me know how it makes you feel!

Need more help with your self-care, check out my Self-Care Package that comes at the end of my 3 step Gut Health Vitality Program

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