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How Important is Daily Quiet Time?

Do you live in a heavily populated area? In these modern times, it seems that the world around us is so overcrowded with noise pollution that it can be hard for some people to think or focus on anything. Even when you live in a rural community, a lot of times it can be hard to get a moment's peace due to the constant distractions and noise created by a thriving society. Do you ever feel as though you need to just shut everything out for a few minutes? That might be because it is something that you NEED.

Take Time to Think Things Out

In daily life, there are a variety of choices that every single person must face. When faced with these choices, we even have choices about how quickly we should act and make decisions. When we have the time to think about things, we can come to much more clear and sure decisions that we are less likely to regret. Proper time to think things through can help us to problem solve, and having quiet time to do so allows the focus needed to accomplish that.

Time to Meditate

Another really great use of quiet time can be for meditation. This old-world skill can be used to gain access to numerous personal and mental milestones, and it can help you to become more aware of your health on a physical level as well. While you sit and focus on your breathing, you can become more in tune with your body, and alleviate stress that has built up from the days and weeks leading up to that moment. Meditation can be practiced in short intervals as well, so you don’t have to sit for hours. Meditation can be done in as little as 3 - 6 minutes.

You Don’t Have to Be Alone

Quiet time doesn’t always have to mean alone time. One excellent bonding experience can be simply sitting quietly with someone. When you sit quietly with another person, it can mean that there is a lot of trust between you and the other person, especially if you are touching or engaging in any sort of physical contact. This also allows you to become more aware of their physical state, because you have less distractions from the minute responses that their body is producing. This can bring you closer together, and lessen stress.

So take some quiet time today and tell me how you feel? Does your mind feel a little clearer? Did your heart rate slow down? Pay attention to how it makes you feel.


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